Ansys SpaceClaim 3D Printing Prep

Model Preparation for 3D Printing

3D Lattice Structures / model infills


Save time by quickly preparing and repairing models for print, ensuring a print with no errors.

Automated tools allow you to work with faceted data and normal geometry in seconds

By removing the need to purchase expensive 3D printing software. Competitor software cost 2-3x more!
Model Prep
The STL prep module — a faceted data toolkit — lets you work directly with STL files, as well as a bounty of automated prep tools to repair a file and get it ready for a printable model regardless of imperfections.
Manipulate Solids and Faceted Data
Shell models to minimise waste and create infills
Scale Models
Split models for better printing adding pins, lips, mortise or joints as needed
Save and export STL or other faceted formats at any resolution
Repair & Modify
Automated verification and repairing STL intersections, water tightness, misaligned normals, co-incident triangles etc
Shrink wrap to print assemblies as one solid or repair sharp STLs.
Combine or split STL models with other STL models or solids
Decimation/Reduction and smoothing